Try out the best tool for eye hand coordination for both hitting and bunting! The Catch Bat not only hones in your eye hand coordination skills, but it also does it in a fun way! Players must "catch" the ball in the net with a full swing, the swing needs to be 100%. It prevents swinging "up" or "down" on the ball, it encourages a flat bat path so it makes it as easy as possible to square up the ball with your regular bat. The Catch Bat is also a great tool for bunting, it allows you catch the ball in the net and it translates to where you will bunt or "catch" the ball on your regular barrel.
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Try out the best tool for eye hand coordination for both hitting and bunting! The Catch Bat not only hones in your eye hand coordination skills, but it also does it in a fun way! Players must "catch" the ball in the net with a full swing, the swing needs to be 100%. It prevents swinging "up" or "down" on the ball, it encourages a flat bat path so it makes it as easy as possible to square up the ball with your regular bat. The Catch Bat is also a great tool for bunting, it allows you catch the ball in the net and it translates to where you will bunt or "catch" the ball on your regular barrel.
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